Buying cars at government auctions has become more popular in the last several years, not only because you can get the cars cheaper, but because with the advent of the Internet, the seized car auctions have been thrust into the limelight. These auctions have been going on for many years, and perhaps you have heard about them for a long time, but they were generally not well known as far as their locations and times unless they were in your local area. Seized car auctions are put on by the government in order to get rid of their inventory of automobiles that were seized from people who violated the law in one way or another. This is great for you because you can sometimes pick up these seized vehicles for pennies on the dollar. Here are some tips to help you to find the seized car auctions and to win at them.
First you should know where the best auctions are located. Try calling your local government office to see if they can direct you, or check out your local newspaper to see if there are ads for the seized property auctions. There are also some great websites out there that will list all of the government auctions so that you can choose which ones you would like to attend. You should be familiar with the Kelly Blue Book price on these cars, and if you aren't then take the time to get familiar with them. Generally the seized auto auctions open a couple of days early to give the bidders time to inspect the vehicles up close. Write down vin numbers and mileage so that you can check them out with a service such as Carfax.
By being diligent and, of course, knowing where these auctions are located not only can you be present at these auctions, but you can actually win the car of your dreams.
Tim is a personal auto consultant and is following a life long dream of being an author.
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