Seized auto auctions are the answer if your tired of the hassle of trying to buy a car through a dealer? Haggling with the salesman to get what you think is a great price only to find out that your buddy got an even better deal. Or worse yet seeing the same car advertised at a lower price a day later. Have you ever heard of someone getting a car at an incredible price, or wondered what happens to cars seized by the banks, police agencies or government. Are you curious about what happens to pre-owned government vehicles?
These cars are sold at auction; some at onsite auctions and some at seized auto auctions. Buyers can get these cars for thousands less then retail and some starting at bids of $100.00. If saving that kind of money isn’t a good enough reason to visit an online auction then here are five more.
1. Seized Auto Auctions are Fun
Seized auto auction can be a lot of fun. First there is the excitement of bidding for that car you’ve always wanted. Then there is the thrill of getting your dream car at a dream price. You could even practice by guessing what the top bid will be and see how close you come. How much would you have saved?
2. Seized Auto Auctions Save Time and Effort
Driving from dealership to dealership, or from private owner to private owner can waste a lot of your precious time and play havoc with your nerves. What if your schedule just doesn’t give you the time to run around? Who wants to do all that driving with today’s gas prices? With seized auto auctions you set your own schedule for research and can bid at home or during coffee break or lunch.
3. Seized Auto Auctions Are Where You Get Your Car At A Bargain Price
Saving a few hundred dollars on a cleverly marketed vehicle is not really a bargain. Online car auctions are one of the best places to get a great car at a real bargain price. Thousands of cars, trucks, motorcycles and SUV’s end up in auctions through seizure by banks or law enforcement agencies. Most vehicles go for around wholesale or blue book value. A few can even go for as low as 90% off the retail price. Either way a sizeable savings over anything you can get from a dealership.
4. Seized Auto Auctions Offer Great Choice
The lot for an seized auto auction is never too small. There are thousands of seized and pre-owned cars available across the country. You can find almost any make or model of vehicle at seized auto auctions. Even if the car is unavailable in your area it may be available in the near future or in a city close to you. Depending on the site they may offer access to vehicles in your immediate area or across the country. There are free online auction sites and sites where you purchase a membership for a small one-time fee. These sites offer instant access to large databases of online and conventional auctions across the United States.
5. Seized Auto Auction Sites Provide Peace of Mind
Ruining your reputation online and it won’t take long for the whole world to know about it. With blogs, email and online BBB’s too many bad experiences can ruin an seized auto auction site. To this end many sites provide services such as vehicle history reports for a small fee, or programs to protect buyers from fraud or misrepresentation. You may even be able to check out the sellers rating if they have sold on that site before. There are also resources on how to purchase a car online and how to bid to your advantage.Go For It… But Before You Dostyle='font-size:10.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:12.0pt;font-family:Arial'>
Give Seized Auto Auction Sites a Try - But Before You Do... Remember that information is your friend. Like any major purchase you should do your homework on the vehicle you plan to purchase. Once that homework is done familiarize yourself with the policies and guarantees offered by the seized auto auction site. Find out what you can about the vehicle and the seller. Look into insurance and financing options. Prepare well and you should have a very enjoyable experience and own the car of your dreams for thousands less than the guy next door by purchasing at a seized auto auction.
Never Tried a Seized Auto Auction? Can’t Afford the Car You Want? Then How About Saving Thousands on The Car of Your Dreams! Check out US Auction Lists. Or at the very least do a free search for cars in your area and keep waiting for that lottery win.
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P/S: If you really need a car but don't have much budget for it, do some research on seized car or auto auction will be a good idea. Give a little time and effort and you might just find a low price car.