How Seized Car Auctions Can Help You Find a Used Car Online By A Dodds

Make: Honda
Model: Civic Si i-VTEC
Los Angeles
Year: 2003
Mileage: 1,009 Miles
Sold For:

Have you considered searching through seized car auctions to find a bargain when looking for a new car? Lots of people now search for used cars online, often through private dealers but it is becoming more popular now to look at the thousands of vehicles available to buy at knockdown prices due to repossession. So how does this work?Debt is now an ever increasing trend worldwide and as more people are finding it easier to get into debt the consequences of being unable to repay their finance is inevitable.

The end result is that the Government has the ability to carry out repossessions of property which they sell on in order to recover at least some of the outstanding debts in question. Although it is with great sadness that someone’s dream sports car, or family vehicle and indeed prize possession may be confiscated it is nonetheless possible to take advantage in seized car auctions to grab a bargain for yourself.

In order to save time and overhead costs many vehicles are put through car auctions online where bidding can start from as little as $100 or less. Although some vehicles will have a reserve price you will find that this is way below what you would expect to pay at your local car showroom. All it takes is one cheap subscription to a seized car auction website and you are then given immediate access to huge savings and choices of vehicles. After completing a simple search form which includes a local area code the vehicles for sale in your area are retrieved for you and bidding is explained should you wish to continue. Searches are limitless, and with the huge range of cars and prices it is not difficult to find a used car online that is suitable for your needs.

This is only a general outline of the principals of seized car auctions but I hope it has been of some use to you. It really is easy to buy a car online at only a fraction of the normal cost. If you would like to find out more about online car auctions then you can find information here.

Auction Car Buying Tips By Nathaniel Ehinger

Make: Ferrari
Year: 2002
Mileage: 9,697 Miles
Sold For:

Buying cars at auction can be a very hit or miss type of venture, but here are few tips to help ensure you can make the best deal possible. Auctions for the most part sell cars which will have no warranty or guarantees attached, and you must be prepared to spend money on possible repairs to make the car work. It will be a good idea to have a residual supply of cash available to cover repairs, also to know what your limit is going to be for buying a car.

First tip, shop around. It is a great idea to go to several auctions or the same auction, if they are held at the same local regularly, and preview what is being sold. You will want to have a good idea of the quality of vehicle available at an auction in order to see of they have what is going to meet your needs. There is nothing worse than needing a good running vehicle and going to a junk car auction, or one where they are selling cars which need repair.

Second tip, be aware of price. Have a good idea of what you are looking for and check out the Kelly Blue Book value of the vehicle. Getting a great deal is one of the biggest benefits of most auctions, but be aware of what you are actually buying and do not allow it to become an overpriced venture.

Third tip, be persistent. There are going to be buyers who outbid you, don’t get discouraged. Keep in mind, car manufacturers make hundreds of thousands of each make and model car, very few are unique, and those that are usually go for much more than the average buyer can afford.

By using these three tips, you just might be able to get the car you want at a really great price by visiting auctions. Remember, shop around, be aware of price, and be persistent, and you will be able to drive home in the car you are looking for at a fraction of the price you might otherwise have paid

For more information on buying a car at auction, visit my website at

Find Your Next Car Bargain at Auto Auctions By Justin Brown

Make: Datsun
Model: Z-Series
Year: 1978
Mileage: 120,098 Miles
Sold For:

Whenever people are looking for a used car there are a few ways that they go about searching. Looking through local newspapers or on used car websites are two of the most popular methods. However, has visiting a used car auction every occurred to you?

The majority of people will say "no", or that they have briefly considered it but cast the idea aside. Visiting an auto auction can be somewhat daunting if you are not a car enthusiast or don't take along someone who knows what to look out for. After all, you don't want to buy a car that ends up with problem after problem and have to continually pay maintenance costs.

You can however find some great bargains at auto auctions providing you know what you are looking for. For many reasons it's possible to find a car that is ideal for you or just too good a deal to pass up. Dealerships often sell unwanted cars at auctions to make a quick sale.

When I first went to a car auction I was a little out of my depth. I wasn't sure what type of car I wanted, what I should look out for before entering the auction, and how much I should be willing to spend on any particular car that I find suitable. My second time of visiting an auto auction however involved taking a car dealer friend who knew the "ins-and-outs" of many car makes and models, including their value. If possible this is a good thing to do if you are seriously planning on bidding at an auction.

Many of the cars found at auto auctions are those that have been seized by banks and governments from people who haven't been able to pay outstanding loans. Due to this it's possible to find some real gems at auctions, including vintage cars and brand new models which still have warranty.

Be aware though that even if there are some great cars available it is very easy to get carried away with the bidding. Make sure you have your price limit and you stick to it. Auctions are designed in a way that it is easy to get drawn into the initial bidding at a low price, but as the price starts to get high it also very easy to put in an extra bid in an attempt to snatch the catch in the auction, only to be outbid, and then bid higher again. You can see how some people end up paying over the odds for cars at auctions. Conversely, it's also possible to find some real bargains.

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